In a typical Democratic set up, the government must be transparent and accountable to the people it serves for this ensures citizens to be  informed but also enabling  them to participate in democratic processes. It also helps prevent corruption, promotes good governance, and allows citizens to hold leaders accountable for their actions, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more effective democracy.

It's quite unfortunate that despite the general public ushering into office these parties to lead them(forming the Government of the day) the general public do not have that voice to provide checks and balances to the government and ensure transparency as well as  accountability. Think of a farmer in Nthalire Chitipa who registered to vote in 2020, he had alot of expectations coming into 2021 courtesy of the promises these politicians made to  him . Four years down the line , those expectations have not been met , he is dissapointed and full of rage , how can he express his grievances and concerns to the people in power directly? His  words will not even reach these Men in power because in the eyes and ears of these Politicians, his words carry no weight .

The Questions now come in  , How can these concerns reach the people in power ? Who can stand and represent these grievances from the people to the Government? Who can provide these checks and balances to the Government so that the living conditions of people  improve?

Despite the Media, Civil Society Organizations and the three arms of Government mandated to provide these checks and balances to the Government, the Opposition parties are an essential part of the checks and balances in a democratic system. They provide an alternative perspective, question government policies, and help ensure accountability by holding the ruling party accountable for its actions. A robust opposition contributes to a healthy democracy, fostering debate and preventing the concentration of power.

With this,  Questions still arise , Are opposition parties in this country performing this role of providing checks and balances to the ruling Government? Are our opposition parties that strong now to carry out this role ?

I leave these  Questions to be answered by the general public but we need to know this,

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is  a house hold name when it comes to the Political landscape in this country and since its loss in the 2020 Elections people expected it to be a very strong and vibrant opposition party which would provide these checks and balances to the Government and probably return to power . It's been four years now and we only have a year to go before we go for the polls in 2025 but the DPP has been very unstable and a sleeping dog which has always been putting much of its effort in solving internal conflicts and hostilities rather than being more inclined in providing these checks and balances to the Government. 

The DPP has been quite when it comes to providing that  watchdog role to the ruling Tonse alliance something which has made the ruling government not to have that extra pressure to solve various challenges affecting people in the country ranging from economic hardships, poor living standards, hunger . The government is very relaxed knowing that the main Opposition party in the land is unstable and not focused on providing these checks and balances.

DPP has been faced with internal conflicts and hostilities which had seen two rival factions emerging from the party fighting for power .

This move has seen them put much of their focus on settling these internal issues and neglecting this watchdog role they have .

Some hours ago we are hearing that DPP has expelled some of its prominent and Influential figures from the party namely Kondwani Nankhumwa, Grezelder Jeffery, Nicholas Dausi , Mark Botomani just to mention a few. Malawians want you to put your house in order and get strong to give strong opposition to the ruling Government by providing checks and balances not just fighting internally.

In short our main Opposition is good as dead .

Who will then voice out the concerns of a businesswoman struggling to make ends meet in Khanyenyeva Salima ? Has the opposition DPP let us down?

The United Democratic front (UDF) used to be a very powerful party in the history of the country and till now it is somehow influential in the Country's Political arena for the fact that it controls the Eastern region of the country Making it one of the biggest Opposition parties in the land . But for years now it has been running from one alliances to the other and not focusing in it's individual development and its  role to provide checks and balances to the Government.

UDF is mostly silent , It does not criticize the Government relentlessly as an opposition party is supposed to do , does it mean that everything is ok in this country? Is the Government performing very well for opposition parties not to be giving in criticism ? 

Other parties resolved to join the MCP in the 2020 Elections meaning that no other party is there to stand tall and provide that strong opposition to the ruling Tonse alliance in form of checks and balances.

People in the country are relying on you  opposition leaders to speak on their behalf to the government for several reasons.

They believe that you will hold the ruling government accountable by scrutinizing policies, raising concerns, and providing alternative viewpoints. Citizens are also feeling  that you  can effectively voice dissent and represent diverse opinions, creating a checks-and-balances system in a democracy. Additionally,  they expect you to  play a crucial role in parliamentary debates and discussions, giving a voice to those who may not be aligned with the ruling party's ideology or decisions. It's a way for citizens to express their concerns through elected representatives who serve as a counterbalance to the government.

The APM Government was being put in check because the MCP led by Lazarus Chakwera was a strong opposition party and the United Transformation Movement under Saulos Chilina also was Vibrant in providing checks and balances. Years ago the Bingu led administration performed well because the late John Tembo provided that watchdog role .

Let's help our bosses who elected us!!

Article by Benjamin GK Nyirenda


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