Pentecostal Life University (PLU) is set to recognize the efforts made by outstanding personalities graduating at the Institution at the upcoming Finale dinner gala.

The Institution is staging a Finale dinner gala event scheduled for Friday the 22nd of December 2023 at the state of art Bingu International Convention Center in Lilongwe.

According to the University Management, all logistics pertaining to the event have been finalized and that the Institution will be awarding Students who performed well in different Categories during their time at the Institution Including Sports, Leadership, Discipline, Enterprenuership , Socialization and Dressing just to mention a few.

The management further stated that the Criteria used to choose nominees was purely based on merit.

The winners to these prestigious awards will be determined through an Online Poll  which has been set up by the Institution to give the liberty to other students at the Institution to select their preffered personalities and the link to the Online polls will be made available soon to all Students.

According to One of the Students graduating but also a nominee in the best sports personality and the Most talkative Student Personality, Augrey Balaka  , the recognition by the institution is an important factor in shaping and instilling a good personality and moral enrichment in the minds of many Students at the Institution not just those graduating but also those still learning.

On the other hand, Mike Kabango popularly known as  El-dalps who got three nominations at the gala event said that his humblesness insticts, socialization and friendliness are the major key factors for  the nominations and that he has made not just friends during his time at the University but also a family in reference to a quote by Mario Pucho"The strength of a family, is like the strength of an army, it lies  in loyalty to each other. I believe Making family in life is a vital aspect and something I have done since my Early days at this Institution. I think for the fact that I have always been friendly with everyone here without choosing or segregating anyone, always being humble and pertaking in every activity at the school , that's the reason for me  having three nominations" Said  Kabango.

Other notable figures nominated for the awards include Outgoing Student Union Vice President Emmanuel Kanyemba who has two nominations for the best leadership award and best disciplined , Former Student Union President Signer Adin , Benson Banda , Flossie Maloya nominated for the most talkative Student category for her unique vocal behavior, Former Sports Director Obadiah Chivunga just to mention a few .

The much anticipated dinner event is expected to bring delight, joy, ecstasy as well as contentment to the Final year students graduating next year to face the corporate World .

The graduation ceremony for these final year Students is scheduled for next year  at the Bingu International Convention Center in Lilongwe.

Article by Benjamin GK Nyirenda


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